Saturday, September 1, 2012

Put A Candle In the Window

I'm the worst blogger in the worst blogger in the world! I just figured out how to check if anyone's even looking at this silly blog and there were FOUR of you last month! Four wonderful people actually checked out my pitiful blog and I haven't even bothered to update it in ages and ages. I'll have to try to do better.

After spending the last two years on the ROC (on the island of Taiwan), my son and I are back stateside again. It was quite an eventful two years for us, and I can honestly say that, though it wasn't a bad two years, I am finally happy to be here again. For a "Stateless Ambassador" that's quite an admission.

When I left, I was so ready to go. I had CCR's Long as I Can See the Light running on a loop in my vehicle, in my mind, and in my heart. Honestly, I thought I'd never want to be back here again.

I was simply run down. Worked to death. Emotionally rung out, I guess.

Now I'm back, but you can, of course, "never go home again." That's because "home" is never there. Each time I've spent any amount of time outside the States, I've come back to a similar, but different country. But the biggest changes, I think, are always within me.

It's time to be an American again, for a while. It's what feels right, “. . . long as I can see the light."

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