Monday, September 10, 2012

"Do You Know Where Your Heart Is?"

Hmm. What a question.

A doctor asked that question of my then three year old son while she was giving him a check up and wanted to listen to his heart. She listened to his heart alright.

His answer? "Yes, ma’am. It's with my mommy."

And everybody said, "Aaawwww!"

No kidding. The doctor and I both just about cried, it was so sweet. I've never forgotten it. I can remember it as clearly as if it were 10 minutes ago, even though he's nine and two thirds now.

It was one of those tiny little moments. A very small thing to say to a very small boy when every adult in the house is in a hurry to get on to something else. And he just stopped time. And my heart. And my breath. Just for a moment.

A beautiful, shimmer-eyed moment at wonder that this tiny person had such amazing perspective.

He hasn't lost it, either. I've dragged him from one corner of the Earth to the other and back again. Things have been good and things have been less than good. I still run around trying to be on to the next thing faster than I can get the present thing done. But he's still right there, right in the middle of that dazzle bright, breath-catch of a moment.

He said to me the other day, when we had a moment to ourselves and we were taking a walk, the next-to-the-sweetest thing.

"Mom, do you know one of the things I love Jesus the most for? Because he gave me you for a mom."

We know, at least, the two of us, where our hearts are. Even if we don't know anything else. Do you?

Do you know where your heart is?

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