Friday, September 14, 2012

Half Day

My son will be home after noon today and I just can't wait! I'm more excited about the half day than he is.

There's a viral video of a mom doing a dance on the first day of school as she sends her kids off on the bus. It's very cute. But I just can't get excited about back to school.

I really, honestly, love being with my kid. He's an awsome person. And I miss him all day, every day.

I'm so thankful for our relationship. I'm thankful that he's my son--being his mom has always been a source of joy and pride for me. He's a great kid with good manners and a sweet heart.

And today I get to see him earlier than usual. Yippie!

I think I owe this fortune of quality time to a homecomming parade this afternoon. Which is an utterly silly reason to shorten a school day, IMO. But this time I'm not complaining.

Here's the happy mom and her cute dance:

I'm like this, but in reverse!

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