Monday, April 27, 2009

The End is Near

Friday is the day! All work must be submitted by Friday. Then I have one more week of school--just for good measure. I'll graduate on May 9, 2009. I want to be excited, but I have few friends here, fewer family members, and those friends that I have have already expressed their disinterest in attending my graduation. I'm pretty pissed, actually. I may actually have to hire a sitter for graduation so that I don't have to leave my son seated by himself while I walk. I haven't cried much through a lot of very hard and very sad shit in these last three and a half years, but I cried the other day over my friends and their lack of enthusiasm. Of course, this is no different than any other thing since I've been back, but it hurt quite a bit to hear that they can't be bothered with a 45 minute drive on my account. These same friends still wonder why in the world I miss Taiwan so much. I guess this is what one gets for being gone for so long. I should be feeling very excited now, but I'm really feeling crushingly lonley. I try not to have heavy blogs. I'm doing pretty damn good for myself I think, all things considering. I guess I just would like someone else to give a damn.


stu said...

Your boy cares. You're working your arse off to improve both of your lives. Good for you. Keep up the good work, and may it get easier (and better paid) very soon.

Shame about your friends, but now you know where you stand. Look after number one (and two). You will make new friends, especially when things calm down a bit.

Momma said...

Thanks for your supportive words, Stu!!