Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Little Mermaid

Yep, that's my boy! He cracks me up and I love him more than life. We took a little trip to Hot Springs, AR and went into a kind of curosity shop there. That's a stuffed real lion in the background. My boy thought I was ahead of him and was suprized when I turned and snapped the photo from closer than he though! The shot I missed was the one of his big cheese eating grin right after the flash went off!

We stayed three days, which was really two days too many. I was very ready to be home the third day, but I did get to use the time to read my book through. Wonderful book, by the way, Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neal Hurston. Yummy enough to eat with a spoon! Such brilliant, rich imagery, ". . . scents were crushed from the earth by his feet . . . ." Yes!

Also lost a few bucks at the horse races. My horse in this race was so far behind that he's not eve in the shot! He was 50 to 1. Didn't work out this time, but those are my kind of odds!

Now that I know how to put photos in here, I guess I'll do it more often.

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