Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

And all through the house
So many things are not sorted out
Back from TX at 11 last night
A lot to say, but the words aren't right
A brother who couldn't be bothered with my presence
A prayer of thanksgiving for that particular present
A year ago tomorrow my mom had her stroke
A slight tremmor sometimes, but it's her heart that was broke
A brother who's wife has his balls in her purse
A mother who's only cold comfort's a nurse
A lonley old woman wasting away
A mostly wasted life; she holds on to the days
I am not ready for her to go
She's asked me to bring her home
So, I'll drive down to TX and back again quick
My mother beside me, her diaper full of shit
And not mind the smell
She has lived to tell
Me she loves me
To lift her arms enough to hug me

1 comment:

Miss Taipei said...

Sorry for your mother's problems. At least she has you to care for her and knows that you love her and are there.

Happy new year to you; this one's going to bring a lot of good stuff for you, I'm sure.

I've been away from Taiwan for one year, today. I feel ... about it. I guess you understand!

Take care and 'Happy new year!'