Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Loose Ends

Sorry there's been no new post for several days. I've been in the middle of everything for a while and haven't been able to find the endings. The loose ends keep slipping through my fingers, so to speak.

My son's grades were stellar for the first six weeks of this new school year. The lowest was an 88 in English. I think that's fair as he's only been studying Mandarin for the last two years. The other grades all ranged between 97 and 100. And this was not good enough for the principal. No, she still refuses to allow my son to study in the fourth grade.

Why? Because she knows he'll do extra well on his standardized tests as a third grade student, but worries he'll make a more average fourth grad test score. I can't tell you how much I detest this and how truly I feel like he's being victimized by the school system here.

And the kicker is that he won't be taking that exam at all in this school.

No. Mommy got a J O B!! More on that in a moment, but it means that we are moving back to Arkansas in a few days and he will not even be in this school. Even though I explained that to his principal, she still will not say anything other than the fact that she thinks I should find him a different school.

This move will be hard on my son, I think, because we've moved so much and he is making good friends here, and is being pursued quite openly now by a particular little girl who he SWEARS he doesn't like. Ah, third grade social life is more nuanced than any soap opera, to be sure!

But hopefully we will make the move well in spite of our social and romantic endeavors. It's a job that I think I'll enjoy quite a bit, and one that will require me to use a lot of Spanish. I'm quite nervous about this, as I haven't used Spanish in some time. But I do look forward to improving my second language skills once again. I miss the me I feel like I am when I get to interact in Spanish.

I don't have a car, a place to stay in AR, or any money. But I have a J O B! Finally! I'll just have to figure out the rest as I trip along. Wish me luck!

And welcome, Vietnam:

Welcome, South Africa:

So glad you guys could drop in. I hope you'll come back often.



Miss Taipei said...

Hang in there, you. It'll all come together.

Momma said...

Love you, Jacks. I hope all is well with you.

Miss Taipei said...

I'm OK. Not good but nothing I can do much about.