Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

And all through the house
So many things are not sorted out
Back from TX at 11 last night
A lot to say, but the words aren't right
A brother who couldn't be bothered with my presence
A prayer of thanksgiving for that particular present
A year ago tomorrow my mom had her stroke
A slight tremmor sometimes, but it's her heart that was broke
A brother who's wife has his balls in her purse
A mother who's only cold comfort's a nurse
A lonley old woman wasting away
A mostly wasted life; she holds on to the days
I am not ready for her to go
She's asked me to bring her home
So, I'll drive down to TX and back again quick
My mother beside me, her diaper full of shit
And not mind the smell
She has lived to tell
Me she loves me
To lift her arms enough to hug me

Monday, December 8, 2008


Tonight I have a final. This will be the hard one. This professor is someone I find it extremely difficult to respect. The main reason is because he seems to believe that his PhD makes him above, "best practice."

One of the first things we did this semester was talk about learning styles and how they effect performance on evaluations and the importance, therefore, of evaluating fairly and making sure we allow our students express their learning in the ways that are best for them.

Then, of course, we talk about assessments and how objective tests are the worst kind of tests--but the easiest for the teacher.

And of course--all tests this guy gives are objective and comprehensive. All his lessons are nothing but power point presentations, too, and they lack any kind of razzle or dazzle. He's lazy and can be cause he's a "Doktor ****."

Anyway, wish me luck. Just gotta get out alive!!

And I'm exhausted, of course!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Mindless ramblings to follow . . . .

First off, I guess I'll talk about myself a bit.

I'm 37 and single--and that's just about to be official. I have a boy who's amazing and almost 6. I've done a lot of traveling and lived over seas for a good chunk of formative years.

I'm going to begin my teaching internship in January and when that's done and I've go the landing gear back in place, I'll see if my new wings know how to catch the current.

Just warning you now, I want to have something to say, but I mostly don't.

I've turned down in the last week a great job op in Mexico and a shot at an extemely hot and torrid affair in Hong Kong. So, it's no wander my life is dull, right? All the fun stuff gets passed over. May, pregnant as it is with graduation, can't come soon enough.

Also, my so-called bff (can grown up ladies really say, "bff," now?) is also pregnant and due in May.

The promise and possibilities of May. A month for birth--for passing through--for moving out of--and blinking into. Promise grasped in a new-born's clutch--tiny fist--limit-less. A ticket to fly--a tear of good-bye. Labor long and arduous--just a memory--a slik to bind us. One small breath in still wet lungs--one new life and one life new--will have begun.

I think my friend's going ot have a May-May.

I can't wait for my new wings to dry--I'm about to be blown from my nest and it's so exciting!